Cooking ribs under pressure means they get incredibly tender without falling apart or shredding-in a fraction of the time as braising and with no attention...
In this colorful dish, sweet beets are zipped up with lime, yogurt, and garlic. If you only have Greek yogurt on hand, thin it down with a little water...
Large, creamy lima beans (sometimes sold as butter beans) are the perfect solution to any meal dilemma when you make a big batch in the Instant Pot and...
This punched-up chicken-and-rice dish, made in the Instant Pot, is inspired by mulligatawny soup, with curry spices, creamy coconut milk, bright ginger,...
Hands down the best and EASIEST stroganoff I have ever had! The meat comes out SO AMAZINGLY TENDER, and the sauce is unbelievably oh-so-creamy, it just...
Pressure cooking flank steak makes shredding this lean meat really easy. The red wine rounds out the sauce in this quick version of the traditional Cuban...
The sweet potatoes almost melt as they cook under pressure in the Instant Pot, lending a silky texture and sweet flavor to this harissa-spiced chili. If...
Of all the sauces I make, this is definitely in the top three for both flavor and utility. Not only does it make delicious Red Chicken Enchiladas, but...
Truly the easiest Chile Verde recipe, you will get fabulous flavor here and all you do is chop the ingredients and dump them into the pot. No need to roast...
A perfect marriage of two of the very things that represent my love of food and culture: espresso and flan. It doesn't get much better than this. The toasty...
Instant Pot Shrimp Risotto is arborio rice flavored with white wine, lemon, and parmesan cheese, then topped with fresh asparagus and shrimp, all cooked...
This apple, pear, and plum breakfast cobbler is a great way to use pressure cooking in a less obvious way, and it brings a delicious variation to your...
This Creamy Vegan Tomato Soup is made in the Instant Pot with just a few super simple and HEALTHY ingredients. This uber-comforting plant-based soup is...
Instant Pot Fettuccine Alfredo with Meatballs- Creamy Alfredo sauce mixed with fettuccine noodles and meatballs. Serve with a side of fresh broccoli for...
This perfectly tender and easy-to-make Instant Pot pork loin recipe is great for when you need to make a wholesome dinner fast! The pressure cooker makes...
Potato salad has never been easier than with this Instant Pot Potato Salad recipe! You can prepare the eggs and potatoes at the same time. It's so delicious...
Ancho chile powder adds a remarkable smokiness to this dish, while the cilantro beautifully brightens it up. Choose the best-quality short ribs you can...
Radiatori are small, crunched pieces of pasta that look like old- fashioned steam radiators. They'll stay firm in this quick meal, offering good texture...